International conference “Inclusive and Sustainable Europe: way forward or step back?” Tallinn, Estonia on the 5th of May 2022
International conference “Inclusive and Sustainable Europe: way forward or step back?” Tallinn, Estonia on the 5th of May 2022

International conference “Inclusive and Sustainable Europe: way forward or step back?” Tallinn, Estonia on the 5th of May 2022

Date: 5th of May 2022
Venue: Tallink Spa&Conference Hotel, Sadama 11a, Tallinn (II Floor)
Tittle“Inclusive and Sustainable Europe: way forward or step back?”

The international conference  “Inclusive and Sustainable Europe: way forward or step back?” was held in Tallinn, Estonia on the 5th of May 2022. The conference gathered experts and participants from more than 17 countries.

Experts, heads of organizations/institutions and NGOs, and guests began the day with an opening speech by Viviane Loonela, Head of the European Commission Delegation to Estonia.

The day continued with keynote speeches by many experts. Such topics as “Inclusive Society and Integration Policies from the Perspective of the State and Social Stakeholders in the Migration Crisis” (presentation by Anne-Ly Reimaa, Head of International Relations in Integration, Estonian Ministry of Culture), “Migration, Bilateral Integration and Inclusion: European Developments in Research and Policy” (presentation by Saara Pellander, Director of the Migration Institute of Finland) and “The role of civil society organizations in the integration of migrants and refugees in the European Union” (paper by Stefanos Vallianatos, NGO FOTOESSA, Greece) were touched upon.

Then the active panel discussions began. The first topic was “The EU and Civil Society response on migration crises by setting new action plan for Pact on migration and asylum and supporting migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society”. This discussion focused on the European Commission’s response to the current migration crisis as well as the experts’ opinions of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum. This document examines the European approach to managing migration and asylum, with the goal of implementing a comprehensive and sustainable policy, providing an effective long-term solution to the challenges of irregular migration, creating legal migration pathways, and better integrating refugees and other newcomers.

The second panel discussion with topic title  “The Civil Society Dynamic on integration, inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable groups at national and European Level”. The crucial role that civil society plays in integrating and strengthening vulnerable groups (immigrants and societal minorities) at the national and European level was the topic of this conversation. How important local organizations play a crucial role in integrating immigrants in general and refugees in particular into the fabric of European society. The way in which we conceptualize the sociopolitical dynamics of immigrant settlement and integration in terms of the outcomes produced by urban governance structures or the ways in which civil society advances the needs of vulnerable groups by cooperating with institutional frameworks from the governmental or corporate world.

The focus of the last panel discussion “The barriers to integration and of effective steps to address them – within and beyond the labor market, social cohesion and civic participation at local and national level” was on the practical steps that must be taken in order to comprehend what the EU and national politicians/officials need to do in order to remove obstacles to immigrants’ and refugees’ integration into the labor market and educational system as well as to enhance vulnerable groups’ inclusion into social life as equal members of society. Experts will discuss best practices and their own perspectives on how to enable immigrants to participate in decision-making as a crucial aspect of civic engagement.


09.00 – 10.00 Registration
10.00 – 10.10 Opening Speeches:
– Vivian Loonela, Head of European Commission Representation in Estonia

10.10 – 11.10 Keynote speakers:

  • “Inclusive Society and integration policy from the perspective of the state and social stakeholders on migration crisis” – Anne-Ly Reimaa, Head of International Relations in the field of integration, Estonian Ministry of Culture
  • “Migration, two-way integration and inclusion: European developments in research and policy” – Saara Pellander, Director of Migration Institute of Finland
  • “The role of civil society organisations in ensuring the integration of migrants and refugees in European Union” – Stefanos Vallianatos, NGO FOTOESSA, Greece 

11.10 – 12.30 I Panel discussion “The EU and Civil Society response on migration crises by setting new action plan for Pact on migration and asylum and supporting migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society”

* This discussion will address European Commission response on migration crisis and experts vision of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, as this document have a look on European approach to managing migration and asylum, what aims to put in place a comprehensive and sustainable policy, providing a humane and effective long-term response to the current challenges of irregular migration, developing legal migration pathways, better integrating refugees and other newcomers, and deepening migration partnerships with countries of origin and transit for mutual benefit. Also CSOs and activists will present their own vision on the EU action plan on integration and inclusion 2021-2027 and share best practices in supporting migrants and minority communities.

Moderator: Amb. Hatem Atallah (Slovenia, EMUNI/ Amb. of Tunisia)

  • Jane Õispuu, Head of Political Team, European Commission Representation in Estonia
  • Eleftheria Ftaklaki, Political scientist, Researcher at the Aegean university (Greece)
  • Rudy Raes, Director of D’broej Centrum West (Belgium)
  • Xavier Baro, Director of AHEAD, Association of Human Rights Educators, (Spain) Virtually
  • Alejandra Adventure, representative of NGO HumanAID (Denmark)

12.30 – 12.45 Coffee-Time

12.45 – 13.45 II Panel discussion “The Civil Society Dynamic on integration, inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable groups at national and European Level”

*This discussion will address the critical role that civil society plays in integrating and empowering vulnerable groups (immigrants and minorities in society) at the national and European level. How key actors/agencies in the local community are instrumental in including immigrants in general and refugees in particular into the fabric of European society. How we conceptualize the socio-political dynamics of immigrant settlement and integration in terms of the effects generated by urban governance structures or how civil society advocates the needs of vulnerable groups by working with governmental or business structures..

Moderator: Michael G. Kavuklis, President of the House of Europe in Rhodes (Greece)


  • Laura Maria Rajala, Director of Fimigrant RY (Finland)
  • Adel Albaghdadi, Head of WE organization (Netherlands)
  • Rashid Abubakar Iddrisu, CEHDA (Spain)
  • Ursula Roosmaa, Director of British Council Estonia (Estonia)
  • Uwe Schmidt, Director of Brakula (Germany)

13.45 – 15.00 Lunch

15.00 – 16.00 III Panel discussion “The barriers to integration and of effective steps to address them – within and beyond the labor market, social cohesion and civic participation at local and national level.”

* This discussion will concentrate on practical steps that need to be taken to understand what EU and national politicians/officials need to undertake to demolish barriers to integration immigrants and refugees in the labour market and education system plus to improve vulnerable groups' inclusion into social life as equal members of society. Experts will share their own ideas on good practice, and share their own vision on enabling migrants to contribute to decision-making, as an essential element of civic participation.

Moderator: Vassili Golikov, Programm Director of Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare (Estonia)


  • Annika Sepp, Advisor, Employment Department of Ministry of Social Affairs
  • Susanne Kallanvaara, Teacher at Burgårdens Gymnasium (Sweden)
  • Gunta Viksne, Director of NGO Shelter „Safe House” (Latvia)
  • Mafalda Lobo, Researcher of the University of Minho (Portugal)
  • Ljuba Lissina, NGO AHEAD (Spain)

16.00 – 16.30 Presentation of European Report “Vulnerable groups in Europe: policy realities, opinions and suggestions for more inclusive and sustainable Europe”

16.30 – 16.45 Conference concluding remarks (Amb. Hatem Attallah, moderator)

16.45 – 17.00 Closing word by Christer Haglund, Director of Nordic Council of Ministers´ Office in Estonia

17.00 – 18.00 Reception (Light Dinner)

18.00 – 19.00 Transportation from Tallink Spa Hotell *by organised busses.

19.00 – 22.00 Concert – performance “United in diversity” at Lindakivi Culture Centre


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