European Network “Green Habito”

European Network “Green Habito”

European Network “Green Habito”

European Network “Green Habito” is a network for sustainable and green future. Founded in 2019 with headquarter in Helsinki, Finland. Network now includes 37 national and regional umbrellas and association from 37 EU member states and Iceland, Norway and United Kingdom. Network is supported by European Commission, Nordic Council and national project programms.

Active participation in sustainable development and environmental activities empowers individuals to freely express themselves in support of sustainable development and promotes social cohesion and inclusion, green growth and active citizenship with an added value for humanistic and democratic values.

Our aim:

  • Influencing how Europe and European nations think and act about active participation in sustainable development and green growth
  • Facilitating opportunities for cross national collaborative working
  • Supporting our members to increase their knowledge, skills and capacities
  • Facilitating opportunities for sharing both best practice and innovative approaches to active participation in achievement of UN SDGs
  • Providing a platform for collaboration and research
  • Establish European Network “Green Habiro” as a strong civil society movement, visible and resilient network
  • Building strong membership

By working together we increase knowledge of NGO representatives, young adults and others stakeholders working also with vulnerable groups about UN SDGs in the context of globalized world, as well as enhance their capacity to be agents of change and their engagement towards achieving greener and sustainable lifestyles in their daily activities.

Created thematic international network of European actors will increase the competence of its members and partner organizations on sustainable development, green growth, peace and security. Network also contributes to other cross-cutting themes of the UN Agenda 2030.

In addition, network aims to empower and emphasize the role of NGOs as active and important change makers in the field of sustainable development by increasing their capacity and co-operation opportunities.

The specific objectives and key activities of our network project in 2022-2024 are:

  1. To strengthen the cross-border contact, knowledge exchange and contact supported through a development of communication platform in 2023
  2. To promote trans-national skills, competences and know-how through courses and conferences
  3. To exchange and disseminate key national documentation and surveys and initiate new transnational research
  4. To develop new pilot work and support innovative approaches and cross-border activity
  5. To initiate new flagship events including Annual Network Conference, support for the European Week for Sustainable Development and initiating the CSOs Annual Green Habito Award.
  6. To test a new management model; by implementing a network secretariat with transversal staff functions and five clusters of transnational activity teams.
  7. To strengthen the sector’s capacity to cooperate internationally
  8. To engage more national and regional associations from more EU member states and programme countries, especially from Nordic, Western and Southern Europe to be members of the Green Habito Network.

Annual Network conference (happening in Estonia, 1-4 May 2022 and 25-28 May 2023) will be dedicated to civil society’s role and action in implementing the sustainable development goals and supporting peace and security in the region”