If you represent an organisation that would like to join Green habito, please complete the application form below, or if you prefer, download and send a completed application form to the President, Ilkka Juvankoski at president@greenhabito.eu .
Member organisations can be private or public organisations, networks or umbrella organisations in the field of intercultural dialogue, sustainable development, education, human rights provided that they are working within the field of active participation in activities. They may operate at regional, state or national level as well as within states or regions, in countries that are federal, regionalised, or otherwise decentralised in the fields of culture. Organisations working on a supra-national level are also eligible to become members. An invoice for the membership fee – currently €100.00 – will later be issued by the Green habito Secretariat in Finland and sent to you.
Once officially recognised, new member organisations will have the possibility to exercise their membership rights under the items of the agenda at the annual General Assembly.