Foreign adults and organisation representatives’ participation fee is 550 EUR
The participation fee for Virtual representatives’ is 250 EUR
The fee consists meals (lunch and dinners during official agenda), local transportation and conference materials,
The conference fee does not cover accomodation and any flight costs. Each participant is responsible for his own international flight arrival/departure.
The fee is to be paid onto the following bank account:
Account holder: Fimigrant ry
IBAN account: FI165 2360 42020 8477 OP Corporate Bank Plc
Amount: in accordance with your status
Explanation: Name and Family name – Country – Conversation 2022
If the payment has not been received within 5 working days after registration, then the registration is voided.
Participants are expected to travel from their country of residence to Helsinki (Finland).
NB!!! Participants are required to pay their own travel costs from own countries to Finland.
Participants must make their own arrangements for accommodation when attending conferences
• Representatives of Nordic, Baltic and Caucasus network members / interested parties / EU and national officials / international organizations and businesses, specialists in the field of UN Sustainable Development Goals (researchers), representatives of public order, development policy or other relevant fields.
• Associated with or responsible for the current or planned work of its organization in implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and/or promoting peace
• Able to communicate in English
Suitable profile of participants can be:
- be age 16 +
- be ready to share their knowledge and experience in their institutional or organisational context
- be experienced in civil society organisation, education, culture and youth policy processes etc.
- have multiplying effect (able to spread the outcome of the Connect events and International Conference and share it his/her own organisation and country)
- be willing to actively contribute to the debates and committed to take part in the whole duration of the connect programm
- be able to work in English
The working language is English.
This Conference is designed as a hybrid event with most participants attending live but some, from Covid-19, constrained countries, joining virtually.